September 26, 2023
Cradle me tender,
until our hands shake
from too much touch.
May our skins grow purple,
with the punch of our love.
Heartbeats steeped in lavender,
each drum knocking us over.
My eyes, swollen,
Your lips, split.
My ankles, broken,
Your voice, hoarse.
Without you, I cannot walk,
Without me, you cannot talk.
I need you, I hate you, I can’t stop, I love you, I beg you, for more pain,
For more of this pain,
your nails breach my skin,
my teeth dent your tongue,
and we rip and we rip,
each other, and apart.
But if you gaze from afar,
The scars spell but one rhyme.
It breathes of one word,
which can be longed, lost or danced.
We glare through bloody streaks,
our raspy voices agreeing.
It’s going to be you.
It’s going to me.
Bloody, broken and purple.